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Urban EarthCare

EarthCare is for everyone!

You don't have to be a landowner or have access to big properties to practice EarthCare or make a difference for the planet. You just need to care, be curious, listen to Nature and take action where you live, love, work or worship.

To jump start your journey, grab this printable resource full of ideas, inspiration and accessible activities to connect with Nature in cities and urban places.

Enter your email to get a printer-friendly PDF (preferably on recycled paper =) ) and receive more tips, inspiration and support for your journey from our newsletter too!

We will support + empower you and never spam you ♡

Urban EarthCare

Founded by women

inspired by survivors

empowered by earth


Join our NEWSLETTER for services,

tips, resources + comMunity updates

Based in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. Living on Susquehannock Land.
Serving native plants, pollinators + wildlife in the Lower Susquehanna River Watershed.

© 2024 LadyBug EarthCare design collaboration with mycelia.creative based on 2019 design from Wilder Mile Creative.

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